Brechin City Football Club

Glebe Park, Brechin, Angus DD9 6BJ

Tel : 01356 623344
Email :

Child Wellbeing & Protection Policy

Brechin City Football Club is fully committed to promoting, supporting and safeguarding the wellbeing of all children participating in football.

For the purpose of this policy, a child is recognised as someone under the age of 18 years.

All staff and volunteers at Brechin City Football Club recognise and accept their individual and collective responsibilities in developing awareness and minimising the risk of the issues which cause children harm.

Brechin City Football Club will:

  • Respect and promote the rights and wellbeing of children by providing opportunities for them to take part in football safely.
  • Adopt and implement the Scottish FA’s “Child Wellbeing and Protection in Scottish Football” policy documents which set out a code of behaviour for all staff and volunteers and ensure compliance.
  • Introduce a rigorous recruitment process including training for all staff, volunteers and any position deemed to be regulated work with children.
  • Observe guidelines issued by local Child Protection Committees and share information about child protection and good practise with children, parents, staff and volunteers.
  • Provide effective management of staff and volunteers through ongoing supervision, support and training.
  • Respond to any allegations of poor practice, misconduct or abuse of children in line with procedures as well as implementing the relevant disciplinary and appeals process as appropriate.
  • Introduce a system whereby children, parents, guardians and coaches may talk to an independent person.
  • Regularly monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of the policy and good practices at regular intervals, ensuring children’s views are included.

A copy of our full Child Wellbeing & Protection Policies and Procedures can be downloaded using these links:

Parts 1 - 3 - Introduction, Policy Statement & Standards
Part 4 - Procedures - Appointment and Selection Responding to Concerns and Case Review
Part 5 - Practice Notes


Form - Concern Recording Form

Our Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer is Harry Barnett who can be contacted at