Brechin City Football Club

Glebe Park, Brechin, Angus DD9 6BJ

Tel : 01356 623344
Email :

Admission Info

Admission Prices

Adults (Aged 18-64) £12

Concessions (Aged 65 & over, students) £8

Young Adult (Aged 16-17) £8

Juvenile (Aged 15 & Under) £5

Season tickets for aged 10 & under: FREE on application - APPLICATION FORM

Digital tickets can be purchased via Fanbase - PURCHASE TICKETS


Admission prices for visiting support as above.

Segregated matches may from time-to-time be announced in the local press. The following applies in such circumstances:

All home support must enter and exit the ground from the Cemetery Road End. Stewards and Policy will be instructed to move any suspected home support to the Cemetery Road end of the ground.

The Management Committee accepts that home support will suffer some inconvenience with these arrangements, however in the interests of safety and control it is deemed necessary to take such action.

Disabled Access

The Brechin City FC Disability Access Officer is David Dewar who can be contacted here and is keen to engage with visiting supporters on home matchdays.


When segregation is in force, away supporters will be allocated The David H Will Stand behind the goal and about 3/4 of the Hedge Side. Toilets and catering can be found adjacent to The David H Will Stand.

The City Club

The City Club is located within the David H Will stand and opens on Saturday matchdays from 1:30pm to kick-off and then full-time through until approximately 7pm. It offers free entry for supporters of both teams - subject to payment of normal gate entry.